The connection between Design and Cloud Security is accidental unless it is the cloud security standout Wiz.

Portfolio Magazine featured an interview with Roy Katz, Head of Brand at Wiz, discussing the unusual development of Wiz’s brand, the strategic decision to insert an element of unconventional colorfulness into the realm of cloud security, and the message behind the choice of illustration language. 

The Israeli Start-up Wiz, one of the fastest-growing software startups ever and ranked 15th in the Forbes list Cloud100, leads a brand with unusual values in the cyber industry – values of magic, positivity, and optimism. In the interview for Portfolio, Katz talks about the realization of Wiz’s approach to designing cloud security with pink-blur colors combined with illustration language that allows to accessible the complexity between Wiz’s technology to every person and customer, enhances the sense of capability and makes Wiz stand out in the industry.